SEPTEMBER 18th, 2007
HEBREWS 9:12 “Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once and for all, having obtained eternal redemption.”
Redeemed (padah, Neh. 1:10) Liberate, free, release.
Redeemed (ga’al, Is. 52:9) Repurchase, buy back.
(Our freedom, our forgiveness, and our reconciliation to God is available to us because of His truly amazing love.)
Dear Friends,
Warm greetings to you all. Emie and I continue to pray for God’s powerful blessings upon your life. May God soon grant you breakthrough in important areas that you have been petitioning Him in prayer for some time. JUDE 1B&2 “To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ: mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance.”
People sometimes struggle with a sense of low self-esteem and self-worth. In those circumstances, it would be good for us all to remember the One who created heaven and earth, Who is all wise and all knowing---and look at the value that He places on each of us. God redeemed us, and He doesn’t make mistakes. You are very valuable in the eyes of the Lord.
Emie would like to share a few words:
Dear partner,
Hello! It is our prayer that God will continue to bless you and guide you all the days of your life. We trust God to do great things in your life and to your loved ones and friends.
About us, God has done so much for us that I cannot tell it all, but I would like to share the fresh update of our ministry. As a worker of God’s kingdom, I always pray for fruitfulness and increase in our ministry and God has done so. The kingdom of God is advancing in our local ministry.
But sometimes I get frustrated and discouraged because some of the people we minister to departed and went to the big cities looking for greener pastures (Jobs, etc.) But my prayer is that the Lord will increase in their lives and become fruitful wherever they may be.
Last week I received a long distance phone call from a young lady (Josalyn), and I never recognized her voice at first because she has been away for more than 5 years. She said: “I only have 3 minutes on my phone card, but I want to grab this opportunity to say THANK YOU…for teaching me the Word of God and His way. Now I am working as a fulltime worker in the church here in Palawan. God is now using me to the music ministry and to lead other people to the Lord. Thank-you pastor! I never forget what you’ve done in my life. Love you! Bye.”
The call really encourages me, with tears in my eyes I was reminded of the verse in: I Corinthians 15:58
“Therefore my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” We are sometime visited by discouragement, but the word of God in Ecclesiastes talks about not giving up in planting seed (the Word of God). Ecclesiastes 11:6 “In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening do not withhold your hand; for you do not know which will prosper…”
Last August 29th, I was invited to preach to a group of High School teachers under the social studies department. To my surprise the principal the supervisor, and the head teachers of two departments were also there. They received Jesus as their Savior & Lord. My prayer to God is that these people will continue to seek God and to trust Him fully.
This week one of our radio broadcast listeners died (He had received Jesus as his Savior and Lord when he listened to one of our messages on the radio. But he had a serious health problem in regards to his heart). We had the opportunity to share the gospel to the families and friends in his neighborhood. We had 22 new converts sign up for a regular Bible study every Sunday afternoon. (Four of them attended our worship service Sunday.)
Thank-you very much for your continued prayer for us and for God’s ministry. I know that your prayer and your financial help you render to us will be rewarded. Because in: 2 Chronicles 15:7 it says: “But you be strong and do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.” 2 John v8 “look to yourselves that we do not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward.”
My friend, I thank God for allowing you and I to work for his company, it is an honor to serve Him
and work for Him. My prayer is that we will not lose heart in doing good. Let us continue to follow and serve Him with the best of our life. God bless you.
In His service, Emie
I mentioned in last newsletter about Pastor James Mabwa (a former street kid) from Kenya, Africa who was working with us in several areas of ministry. We drove him to the church we pioneered in Culaba on Biliran Island, to minister on a Saturday evening for an interdenominational youth rally and also the Sunday morning service there. He was used by God to be a great blessing.
It is almost a three hour drive there and I was tired that evening when I was informed there was up to possibly 30-40 youth located several miles down the road who needed a ride. There is not large public transportation available that time of the night in that remote area. Also the people in charge of arranging private truck transportation had not been successful partly due to not asking early enough.
I was really tired, the back tires on the van are worn, the road was really bad where they wanted to go, and my van will hold nowhere near 40 people, so it might involve making 2 or more trips and I was not in the mood to go and risk getting a flat tire out in the middle of a remote area at night. I asked them to continue to try to find a big truck to rent but when none was available I decided to go with one of the pastors and go to try to provide transportation as I felt perhaps the people waiting were the ones that most needed to hear Pastor James’ messages and be prayed for.
The first location we found that the ones who wanted to go had rented motorcycles to travel to the church. We continued to the more distant location, on a road that was really bad with a lot of sharp rocks. Finally as we rounded a corner on a dark and moonless night with no electrical lighting anywhere, off to the right our headlights shined on a group of Filipino young people and their Pastora, sitting in the dark. They had been sitting there for some time and praying that somehow God would provide for them transportation. I counted them and there were 12 overjoyed people there. Adding the pastor who rode with me, we totaled 14 people, who made the full van, but it was manageable.
When I saw them sitting in the dark, waiting---I realy thanked God that I made to effort to get them. We made it to the church with no flat tires and back again after the service. They were really blessed at the service.
I share this testimony, because sometimes all of us are tired and weary, but when we make a good faith effort to obey and serve God, to go the extra mile so to speak (in my case the 2 roundtrips added about 1 &1//3rd hours of extra driving) we can see great blessings for making the effort. They really wanted to hear God’s word.
While we can only share a few things in the ministry at a time with a short newsletter, there are always every month many new salvations. People are strengthened in their faith; the poor are helped in the name of Jesus. We thank God for the souls saved and we send you our sincere thanks and appreciation for your important and helpful partnership with us through your prayers and financial investments in God’s work through these ministries.
God bless you for helping us lead people to Jesus. We continue to pray for God’s blessings upon you, your families, churches, and ministries.
In Christ’s love,
Gordon & Emie